Matthew Sekol is a Global Black Belt on Microsoft’s Sustainability Cross-Industry team.
He has spent nearly 20 years working at the nexus of business and technology and advocates for data, technology, and ESG to drive change.
Matthew leads Microsoft’s sustainability partners in the Americas to help companies understand their sustainability challenges through data.
In 2024, Matthew released a book called “ESG Mindset,” which is a guide for companies to think critically about ESG and take a holistic approach to the business.
He serves on the LP Advisory committee of Morgan Stanley’s Next Level Fund, which invests in diverse-led and founded startups.
He has been recognized by Onalytica as "Who's Who in ESG."
Prior to joining Microsoft, Matthew worked at various companies improving sales and operations by translating market needs into leading-edge technology solutions. He is a proud graduate of Penn State University with a degree in English.